How to Decorate a Christmas Tree for Under 50

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree for Under 50

Christmas is the time of year to celebrate with family and friends, but it can also be stressful if you are on a tight budget. While some people want to spend as much money as they possibly can, other people have very strict budgets that they need to stick to. If this applies to you, then keep reading! This blog post will provide you with tips for decorating your Christmas tree for under $50 - or even less!

Decorating a Christmas Tree on a Budget

Here's our #1 piece of advice. Every year there is a new trend for Christmas, you don't have to follow the trends. Use and reuse the decorations you've acquired over the years. A tree rich with memories is worth far more than high-end ornaments and shiny bulbs.

Dont stress if this is your first year of decorating the Christmas tree. Start by taking our top piece of advice and creating a new tradition of acquiring at least one meaningful ornament for your tree every year.

If you are into following trends but are on a fixed budget, we have good news for you. 2022 is the year of the DIY Christmas Tree. Now, you can make DIY expensive, but you also have the freedom to discover cheap Christmas tree decorations you can make at home. Here are a few we remember and love from our childhood:

Get creative! Find new uses for things that you already have around the house, like wrapping paper tubes to make your own candy canes. If you still need some inspiration, there is always Pinterest!

Where to Find Cheap Christmas Tree Decorations

If you aren't wanting to "Martha Stewart" your way through Christmas this year, there are other options.

  • Pick up cheap Christmas tree decorations at garage sales or thrift stores (think glass balls and figurines)
  • Host an ornament exchange where everyone brings the ornaments they no longer are using and swaps them out for others (you know, like a cookie exchange but without the calories)
  • Ask friends and family if they have any decorations you could borrow (don't forget to return them)
  • Think eco-friendly and use pinecones, scraps of ribbon, and dried flowers to create a beautiful natural look
  • Use something that tells the story of you, for instance, if you're a chef why not decorate the tree with some of your whisks and spatulas and maybe a few gingerbread men you create
  • Purchase small-sized gifts this year, wrap them and hide them in the branches

There are so many options to decorate a Christmas tree while on a budget. All it really takes is a little creative thinking.

Find a tree that will save you time and money

There are many ways to decorate a Christmas tree for under $50, but you can also save money by purchasing your Christmas tree wisely. Your best bet is to go with a real tree from a local small business. This will add ambiance to your home, and it's the more eco-friendly, space-saving solution. Also, with the shortage of artificial trees this year, the fake trees are seeing a significant price spike due to supply chain disruptions.

While you don't want to skimp on the Christmas tree, you also don't want to blow your whole budget or DIY your way into one either. A real Christmas tree adds more than just a base for the decorations.

When you purchase a high-quality tree you won't want to hide all of its silvery-green soft needles from view. Instead, a simple strand of lights and a decorated base are sometimes all that is needed. The comforting woodsy smell of the Frasier fir will create the ambiance you're looking for.

Work to enhance the beauty of nature, not overpower it.

Finding the best deals throughout New York City can be time-consuming if you're hitting every tree lot. But, you're already at one of the best places in NYC to purchase this year's tree!

When you order from AA Christmas Trees, you save time and money with a tree that comes with free delivery!

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